Study Abroad Commitment Fee

All students studying abroad through UND are required to pay a $300 Commitment Fee.


  • Fall Commitment Deadline: March 15th
  • Spring Commitment Deadline: October 15th
  • Summer Commitment Deadline: March 1st
  • University Directed Program Commitment Deadline: Varies - Refer to Program Brochure


This fee is due at the time of commitment to your study abroad program.

I acknowledge that by committing to my study abroad program, I am paying a non-refundable commitment fee of $300.

I acknowledge that this is a non-refundable cost. If I withdraw from Study Abroad after making a commitment to participate, this fee will not be refunded to me.


Please review the Withdrawal policies associated with this payment.

Please submit your first name, last name, and Student ID along with your payment information.  Then, return to your Study Abroad Profile to commit to your program.

Fields with asterisk are required.
Acknowledgement *